N头条>英语词典>thin down翻译和用法

thin down

英 [θɪn daʊn]

美 [θɪn daʊn]

使(调味汁或液体)变稀薄; 使变淡



  • The person that reduce weight must not one thin come down to treat sth lightly, lest all one's previous efforts wasted.
  • Air in the atmosphere's outermost layer is very thin, but air molecules still create drag that slows down satellites, requiring engineers to periodically boost them back into their proper orbits.
  • After more than four years of belt tightening, patience is wearing thin, and tentative signs of improvement have not yet trickled down into the lives of average Greeks.
  • Investigation on Heat and Mass Transfer and Flow Stability of a Thin Liquid Film Draining Down a Wall
  • A thin depressor used to press the tongue down during an examination of the mouth and throat.
  • When you thin the top or back down in certain areas, what are you trying to do? Are you listening for a sound?
  • While the very thin interbank market slows down the rate at which domestic and foreign financial institutions can short the Latvian currency and put pressure on the central bank reserves, the country is bleeding forex reserves at an alarming rate.
  • The hydrogen contained in SiNx thin film can enhance the carrier mobility of monocrystalline silicon, but after annealing at high temperature the mobility turns down.
  • A small, thin boy got up reluctantly from under the trees when the rain started pelting down more heavily.
  • Numerical examples demonstrate the present algorithm can handle the thin structures with thickness-to-length ratios down to 1. E-08, which illustrates the boundary element method is especially accurate and efficient in the analysis of problems with thin bodies.